The competition will be held in Grosseto, Italy on 2026, 15th - 22nd February and is open to piano soloists with no limit nationality and born after January 1st, 1990.
Candidates must perform all works from memory.
The jury will award a First, Second and Third Prize, taking into consideration the level of execution. The First Prize is indivisible, the Second and Third Prizes can be awarded to more than one candidate who will share the bursary award. Candidates will perform in three rounds. They may not repeat the performance of any work during the competition. The performances will be open to the public.
Lots will be drawn by the Artistic Director to determine the order of performance and the order established will be maintained throughout the competition. Pianos will be available at the Music Institute in Grosseto (Istituto Musicale Comunale "Palmiero Giannetti") and at contestants’ disposal.
No competitor will be admitted who has studied in the last two years with a jury member: each juror will sign a relevant declaration about the contestans. The jury’s vote will be expressed by a YES or NO at the conclusion of each round. The jury’s decision is final.
The winners’ names will be announced and official prize-giving ceremony held on Sunday 22nd February at 5.00 p.m. after the conclusion of the Final Round with orchestra.
On registration for the competition applicants tacitly accept all rules contained in this notification. The Italian version of this announcement will be deemed official in the case of any subsequent contestation.
Art. 7
It will be not possible to change the presented program after the 2026, 15th of January.
Art. 8
The completed application form, not refundable, must be fully completed and sent by e-mail no later than Dicember 20th, 2025 to accompanied
by the following supporting documents:
1. Photocopy of legal document regarding age and nationality
2. One artistic photo
3. Brief artistic curriculum
4. Copy of payment of registration fee - 160 euro - to be paid to Associazione Musicale "A. Scriabin"
c/c 316333
Terre Etrusche e di Maremma- Credito Cooperativo - Società Cooperativa
Via Unione Sovietica, 44 - 58100 Grosseto
IBAN: IT37 J088 5114 3010 0000 0316 333
Bic Swift Code: ICRAITRRNN0
Otherwise in the PayPal account